Tobago in the Caribbean

My passion for the Defender all began in the year 2000, when my parents purchased a Defender for their new property in Trinidad & Tobago. Tobago is known for its white sand beaches, and lush deep jungle. There could not be a better place for a soft-top 90.
This first photo is of our 2000 Defender 90 TDi 300 RHD soft-top. The photo is located at our driveway, where the road can become overgrown after only one month!

The driveway is a 2km winding snake of muck, roots and jungle. A task that only the performance and reliability of a Defender can cope. A Tdi 300 engine was special ordered at Land Rover for the 2000 TD5 model year chassis. Although the 300 Tdi has less power than the TD5, it is a simple motor and mostly mechanical. The 300 Tdi is an appropriate choice for regions that can only offer the most basic mechanical repair service.

In some cases, access to secluded beaches are only reachable in a vehicle capable of extreme conditions. Without the central locker, and impressive 4 wheel drive of the defender, I don't think I could have made it to this hidden bay on the north end of the Island.